Our Story

Laura - About me
Except for a brief couple years in Fort Worth, I have lived my entire life in Iowa. While I don’t love the winter, I love having family close, and that “Iowa Nice” thing – it’s real. My ‘real-life’ background is in Accounting and IT Software Testing, but I have been playing around with soap making since my daughter was 5 or so. I thought it was a fun thing we could do together. She thought it was fun for a little while but then she became a tween and was too cool to do stuff with mom and so the soap went by the wayside while she threw herself in to figure skating. For the next 10 years, sewing became my ‘craft’ of choice so I could afford to keep her in skating dresses and still manage to feed her!
Four years ago, I dug out some of the old soap molds and took a look at some simple recipes on Pinterest. My boyfriend Jim’s daughter, Yana, and I decided to make some soaps, scrubs, and lotions for Christmas gifts for family and friends. It was then that Janet had said she had made bath bombs in the past. After the holidays were over, we sat down and really talked about how we might be able to get together as a team and create some great products.
We’ve learned SO much since then! And we know we have so much more to learn. The best thing about this journey for me is to get to work with Janet and continue learning. When we know we have finally made a recipe the best that it can be, and we’re offering our clients the best ingredients in a product that will help them be the best version of themselves – there’s just not much in this world that makes me happier than that. I’ve turned in to a chemistry geek at the age of 53 and it is AMAZING what your brain can do when it’s important to you.
We want you all to be able to relax and know that our products will help you take care of your skin and more importantly, your well-being, so that you can take care of all the people in your life who depend on you.

Janet - About me
I was born and raised in a small town in Northeast Wisconsin. Raised three amazing children and now have grandchildren who keeps me young at heart. I attended college after my children were born and became a Registered Nurse which I practiced for over 25 years. I moved to Iowa in April 2019 to be closer to family members. My true passion has been for men and women alike, to relax, regenerate and feel positive about themselves. With this thought process in mind, a decision was made to develop a bath product company with Laura to assist folks in self pampering, which in turn facilitates folks to feel good about themselves. I am a true believer that everyone needs to take some time to for yourself to regenerate. When a person feels good about themselves, then amazing things can happen. The bath products that were developed are compiled of quality ingredients and assist in getting that “feel good” skin care.